*2:4 Note that the young women are to be instructed by older women, who can do a much better job on that particular front than can male pastors.
†2:6 Curiously the young men get only one requirement—self-control.
‡2:7 Again, if we are going to represent God in an official capacity, we need to be clean.
§2:7 Some 17% of the Greek manuscripts omit “incorruptibility” (as in NIV, NASB, LB, TEV, etc.).
*2:8 A significant minority of the Greek manuscripts (20%) have ‘you’ (as in AV and NKJV), but the majority (including the best line of transmission) has “us”. Since Titus' message and authority derive from Paul, it is properly first person.
†2:10 A slave could doubtless find opportunity to pilfer, and could convince himself that he was justified in so doing. An observant owner could figure out who did and who didn't.
‡2:10 Notice that Paul does not incite slaves to revolt or rebellion. Perhaps it is especially in adverse circumstances that we can “adorn” the doctrine of God.
§2:12 God's saving grace has been made available for everyone, but most people have not heard of it. If they are to hear, we must live godly lives.
*2:13 If we are to live “looking”, then we regard it as something that could happen in our lifetime (otherwise there is no point in ‘looking’).
†2:14 Since any ‘law’ that God promulgates derives from His character, I take the point here to be that God wants to deliver us from anything and everything that is not in conformity to His character.
‡2:14 There is repeated emphasis on doing what is good, not just professing correct doctrine.
§2:15 The problem here could be his youth, but as Paul's delegate he represents apostolic authority.