
图书馆 视频 敬拜图书馆 新约语音圣经 关于我们 更改类型
序言: Introduction 说明: Instructions 您的回馈反应: Feedback




Our Treasure Libraries can be used on many modern electronic devices. They can be used on a memory card (MicroSD), a flash disk, a DVD, or even a USB flash drive solid (Hard Disk). You will find that the material uploaded onto these libraries are compatible with many modern devices such as computers, tablet computers, hand held projectors, as well as mobile devices like cell phones and smart phones. If you desire to use the Treasure Library with mp3 devices, tablets or pocket projectors, we suggest you use the Micro SD chip versions. The technology utilizes the HTML code that all standard internet-enabled devices are able to read through an internet browser. Although, the Library runs in an internet browser, it does not require an internet connection. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that the library will have full compatibility for all devices on the market, because the computer world and the digital world in general is in constant evolution on a daily basis. The Digital Bible Society takes it upon ourselves to work hard for the libraries to be high quality and compatible with a continually increasing number of devices and applications.

使用宝库图书馆只要接通储存设备,无需上网,不用装设任何软件或下载文档,图书馆能自行运作。只要找到 "start.html" 或 "index.html" 的标示,选择 html 格式的文档,即可开始使用图书馆。数码圣经协会高度建议用户采用Internet Explorer (9+), Safari, Mozilla Firefox (www.mozilla.org)这三个我们推荐的浏览器搜索宝库图书馆资料。您可在因特网上下载这三个浏览器。您的浏览器或电脑操作系统若不能打开图书馆目录,请在文档管理中探索选用Windows Explorer (PCs), File Manager (Android), Finder (Mac)这三家公司的网络浏览器,即可直接启开资料。比方说,录像档案开启后,设备或电脑里的影像软件就可以直接播放您打开的个别影片。请注意个别电脑内部设定的应用程序不一,所以操作档案的方式也有别。

To use our Treasures Libraries, plug in the storage device that contains the library files. An internet connection is not required. No installation of software is required. The library can be run straight from the storage device without uploading the files. To open the library, open the files on the device to locate the HTML file that is labeled "start.html" or "index.html". It is highly suggested that the user chose the open with option to choose a preferred browser to use with the library, such as Internet Explorer (version 9 or above), Safari, or Mozilla Firefox (www.mozilla.org) ━ our browser of choice - , which can be downloaded from the internet. Should your browser or operation system have difficulty displaying our index, simply explore the file folders with a file manager such as Windows Explorer (PCs), File Manager (Android) or Finder (Mac). You can then open resources directly. For instance, the video folder can be opened and individual films can be opened directly and played by software installed on your device. Note that the method of running these files will vary depending on each device and the applications installed on the device.

宝库图书馆开启后,您可通过键盘左上方的制表符ǒtabsō,或屏幕右侧的标签,移动图书馆操作软件。上方标签有一般资料、录像、录音、美术等栏目。左右侧乃游动于资料与类别之间导航标签。您选择一份材料后浏览器随即显示相应材料的标签,点击标签即可打开阅读材料。有声和影像资料有播放和暂停、快速前进、倒带、终止、音量控制的标签选项。有些pdf文档需要 Acrobat 读取器才能打开,浏览、打印都很方便。其它文档兼具导航选项,可在章节、段落间转换。

Once the Treasures Library is open, the software can be maneuvered by the tabs on the top and left or right side of the screen. At the top are included the following tabs: general resources, video, audio, art, and about. The tabs on the left and right are used for navigating among resources and categories. Just click a resource to access, and the corresponding resource will open in another tab on the browser. Audio and Video resources have playback options like, pause, fast forward, rewind, stop, and volume control. Some texts open as pdf and require Acrobat Reader. These texts in pdf can be easily browsed and printed. Other texts have navigation options, such as to switch between chapters or sections.

为了达到宝库图书馆给您带来的最大效益您的电脑需要安设浏览器(Firefox): 电子书e-Book Reader (ePub Reader), Adobe Flash Player 多媒体程序播放器(Adobe Flash), Adobe Acrobat Reader阅读器 (Adobe Acrobat Reader), 读取电影的功能管理程式QuickTime。To remove the digital trace of looking at the library, just delete the browsing history and take out the storage device. 要删除过去浏览图书馆的数位记录,您只需删除浏览历史,取出记忆装置即可。

To get the best performance out of the library you should install the following extensions to the browser (Firefox): e-book Reader (ePub Reader), Adobe Flash Player (Adobe Flash), Adobe Acrobat Reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader), and finally an extension to run movies, such as QuickTime. In addition, you can transfer the entire contents of the library and put it on your computer and run the file (index.html) from there.


The library can be transferred onto other devices, but the library should remain in the same form. It is recommended to copy the library locally onto another device by selecting all the files and copying them to the new location. Yet individual files, like a pdf book or a music file, can be transferred by itself to a device like an e-reader or an mp3 player. For example, if you want to listen to the audio bibles on an mp3 device, you just need to copy the files to your device locally and play it from there as mp3 files from the audio folder on the library interface.



Please sign up for our mailing list at our website (www.DigitalBibleSociety.org) , to get the latest updates available for the library. For most of our libraries, we will continue to make updates as technology changes and content availability increases.

请在数码圣经协会的网站 (www.DigitalBibleSociety.org)上注册,登记您的回邮资讯,未来接收最新的宝库图书馆动态信息。我们会努力跟进最新的技术更新和材料的增添。

We welcome your comments, corrections and suggestions. And we welcome your help in insuring that translated materials are accurate and understandable. If you would like to assist in the maintenance, growth, translation and advancement of any of our Treasure Libraries, we invite you to contact us from our website at www.DigitalBibleSociety.org


中国珍宝 - Chinese Treasures 6.0

數碼聖經協會 - Digital Bible Society




The Digital Bible Society is pleased to present the Chinese Treasures Bible Library. Our primary goal is to provide Christian digital libraries of high quality that will be a source of discipleship. To that end, the Digital Bible Society has partnered with hundreds of like-minded organizations who have agreed to share valuable content of the highest quality for personal and community growth in faith in Jesus Christ. Because of our partnership with the content creators, our libraries are always free to copy and distribute. These partners have agreed to provide us with many of the quality Christian materials that are on our libraries. It is our hope that Christians around the world can utilize them for their spiritual growth and to disciple others into the Christian faith.

数码圣经协会的各个宝库图书馆别具特色,提供许多形式独到和目的及使用方式不同的圣经、有声圣经、跟传福音、门徒训练、与教会建立繁殖有关的材料名目繁多。材料分类有圣经注释、书籍、敬拜诗歌、门徒训练和灵修主题的录像、录音。宝库图书馆服务的对象极富针对性,从对信仰有兴趣的求道者、初信基督徒、孩子、家庭、到教会传道人都有。圣经研究材料包括《碑铭》软件和上千的圣经图片与地图。这些图书馆和其他大型基督徒事工一样在成长,不断发行、提供材料给一切想要 认识上帝和耶稣基督的人、从事传福音的人、训练门徒的人、牧养教会的人。

Each of the Digital Bible Society Treasures Libraries is unique and contain Bibles (in different formats for different use or devices), audio scripture (when available), and a wide variety of resources for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. These libraries include resources such as commentaries, books, worship music, and many hours of discipleship and inspirational material in video and audio formats, with material for seekers, new believers, children, family, and church leaders. They also include a highly sophisticated Bible study software called inScript, as well as a thousand Bible images and maps. They are living libraries that grow as great ministries create and contribute material for use by those like yourself, who are wanting to know more about Christ, making disciples, sharing the Gospel, or serving the local church.

宝库图书馆可以在网上邮购,网址是 www.DigitalBibleSociety.org 。您可以购买不同组合、影碟、通用串行总线、安全数码卡(微型闪存卡)。我们的开价和图书馆出售的储存装置价格一样。您可以把宝库图书馆作为礼品赠送别人,但是不可倒卖,不可变更内容。中文信仰宝库图书馆乃数码圣经协会版权所有,非经同意,不可售卖,不可加添,不可删减,不可发行(整体或是部分)。2014年起数码圣经协会拥有宝库图书馆所有材料的版权。

Treasure Libraries can be purchased on our website www.DigitalBibleSociety.org in different formats that include packs, dvds, usbs, and micro sds. We sell them around the price of the storage devices used to store the libraries. Our libraries can also be copied and distributed as a free gift. The Library may not be sold nor be modified in any way. Chinese Treasures is copyrighted by the Digital Bible Society □with all rights reserved. It may not be sold, altered, added to, or published in whole or in part on the Internet without the written permission of the Digital Bible Society. All property rights for the library treasures of the Digital Bible Society in 2014. All rights reserved.