1 Let those who do good shout for joy—those who live right should praise him!
2 Praise the Lord with the lyre, play music to him on the ten-stringed harp.
3 Sing a new song to him; play your instruments well and shout for joy.
4 For the word of the Lord is true,* Literally, “upright.” and he is trustworthy in everything he does.
5 He loves all that is good and right; the earth is full of the Lord's trustworthy love.
6 The Lord spoke the word and the heavens were made; his mouth breathed all the stars into existence.
7 He gathers the waters of the sea together, he keeps the ocean depths in store.
8 Let all the earth show reverence to the Lord; let all the world's inhabitants be in awe of him.
9 For he spoke and the world came into existence; he gave the command and it was created.
10 The Lord brings the advice of the nations to nothing, he frustrates the plans of the people,
11 But the Lord's plan stands forever—his purposes last through all generations.
12 Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen as specially belonging† Literally, “inheritance.” to him.
13 The Lord looks from heaven and sees the whole of humanity,
14 from his throne he watches all those who live on earth.
15 He created their minds,‡ Literally, “hearts.” so he recognizes all that they do.
16 Even the greatest army cannot save a king; the greatest strength cannot save a warrior.
17 Don't deceive yourself: a warhorse can't give you victory—even its incredible strength won't save you.
18 The Lord watches over those who reverently follow him, those who place their hope in his trustworthy love
19 to save them from death and to keep them alive when famine strikes.
20 We place our confidence in the Lord, he is our help and our defender.§ Literally, “shield.”
21 Our hearts are full of joy in him, for we trust in his holy character.
22 Let your trustworthy love rest upon us as we hope in you.