*16:4 Is this not stupid reasoning? Once he has lost his position, the others will have no reason to pay attention to him.
†16:8 According to the value system of the world it is ‘smart’ to take advantage of other people, but those who follow the Light must be different. Of course the master's ‘commendation’ was sarcastic, since the dishonest manager still lost his job.
‡16:9 The use of sarcasm is not rare in the Bible, and here the Lord is clearly being sarcastic: getting into the eternal dwellings does not depend on ‘buying’ friends down here; it depends on pleasing the Owner up there. And of course, the dishonest friends will not even be there! Notice the reaction of the Pharisees in verse 14—I take it that verses 1-13 were mainly directed at them.
§16:11 Monetary value is the ‘very little’, and spiritual value is the ‘much’, the ‘genuine’.
*16:13 Verse 13 declares a terribly important truth. To embrace the world's value system (humanism, relativism, materialism) is to reject God. Materialistic ‘Christians’ are really serving mammon (‘mammon’ includes more than just money).
†16:15 There will not be any abomination in heaven—‘abomination’ is a strong term; do pause and ponder!
‡16:16 No one gets into the Kingdom on his own terms.
§16:18 Now there you have a plain statement!
*16:18 The Text does not state that this is a parable, so most probably it is not.
†16:21 In fact the dogs were doing him a favor, since canine saliva is good for sores.
‡16:22 Note the contrast. Of course the beggar's body had been buried, but the person was taken to Paradise. Here we have an explicit statement of angelic activity, which, however, is absent from the rich man.
§16:25 The best line of transmission (30% of the Greek manuscripts here) has the emphatic pronoun ‘he’, rather than ‘here’.
*16:26 Several things in this account invite comment. Hades (Greek), or Sheol (Hebrew), is the ‘halfway house’ where departed spirits await the final judgment, but the results of that judgment are already known, since the saved are already separated from the lost. There is a chasm separating the two sides that cannot be crossed, but evidently one side can see and hear the other (the ‘dead’ are conscious and have feeling). People in prison who are waiting for their trial are already suffering. Strangely, the rich man still thinks he is more important than the beggar, since he wants the beggar to serve him—he still holds to the values that condemned him.
†16:28 I find it interesting that he was concerned for his brothers; we can't say, “Better late than never”, since it made no difference.
‡16:31 Abraham states a disquieting reality: people who reject God's written revelation are self-condemned. Note also that Abraham did not say it would be impossible to send Lazarus, only that it would do no good. But it is clear that the lost cannot return, or the rich man could have gone himself.