*10:4 I would say that wherever Jehovah appears in the Old Testament it is Jehovah the Son, who became the Christ at His incarnation. But in what sense did they keep “drinking from a spiritual rock that accompanied them”? The physical rock did not move around, presumably, but the “spiritual rock” did.
†10:5 The apostle is not concerned to spare our sensibilities; quite the contrary. He is issuing a very strong warning. God's blessing does not necessarily indicate His approval.
‡10:7 See Exodus 32:6.
§10:8 See Numbers 25:1-9. Another thousand died after the first day, giving a total of twenty-four thousand deaths.
*10:9 See Numbers 21:6-9.
†10:10 See Numbers 14:37 and 16:49. Just because God is no longer striking us down like that, people think they are getting away with doing the same things. They are in for an unpleasant surprise. If the examples were written “for our admonition”, it is because they are still relevant to us.
‡10:11 One would expect the singular here, but the Text is plainly plural. Well, I suppose each of the ages (plural) would have a distinct end, and the effect could be cumulative.
§10:13 The Greek word here can mean either ‘test’ or ‘tempt’ (test with a moral nuance), depending on the context. James 1:13 states plainly that God does not tempt us, and since in this context God is clearly involved, the correct choice is ‘test’.
*10:13 The best line of transmission (albeit representing only a third of the manuscripts) has ‘competent’ rather than ‘faithful’; that fits very well with the idea of testing, especially if it is God who is doing it.
†10:13 This is an important declaration, although I suppose we have all had moments when we wondered if we would continue to ‘stand’. The Text affirms that there will always be a way out—not always easy to ‘see’.
‡10:15 This is cataphoric; they are to judge what follows.
§10:16 Those officiating bless the ‘cup’, which then blesses those who partake. Yes, to partake worthily brings blessing.
*10:16 Although one finds it difficult to agree with the Roman doctrine of transubstantiation, that the words of the one officiating transform the wine into literal blood, Paul evidently takes a very serious view of the ‘Lord's Table’. It is not a mere symbolism.
†10:16 “The body of Christ” here refers to His physical body on the cross, just as “the blood of Christ” refers to His blood shed on the cross.
‡10:17 Evidently they did not cut/break the bread up into little pieces beforehand—there was a whole loaf on the table.
§10:20 Obviously demons exist. The visible idols represent invisible demons. When you worship an idol you subordinate yourself to its demon. There are ‘idols’ that are not physical images.
*10:23 Perhaps 3% of the Greek manuscripts omit “for me” (both times in this verse), to be followed by NIV, NASB, LB, TEV, etc. The difference in meaning is significant.
†10:26 See Psalm 24:1.
‡10:28 At first blush this repetition of the quote seems out of place. I suppose Paul's point to be that the stated truth cuts both ways: it allows me to eat or to refrain. Indeed, some 8% of the Greek manuscripts omit the repetition, to be followed by NIV, NASB, LB, TEV, etc.
§10:30 Paul wants to avoid being slandered, even if it is for doing something good and legitimate.
*10:31 Here is a basic principle that furnishes us with the key for deciding about doubtful things, and things produced by modern technology that are not mentioned in the Bible. If I want to go watch a movie, I should ask myself, “Why do I want to do this? Is it for the glory of God?” If I want to buy a new, super-duper cell phone, I should ask the same questions. If we really want to please God, we will give an honest answer and act accordingly.
†10:32 This text makes clear that during the Church Age there are three categories of people: Jews, non-Jews and the Church (made up of both Jews and non-Jews who are in Christ). Before Pentecost there were two categories: Jews and non-Jews. There are those who think that after Pentecost there were still just two: Church and non-Church, wherein the Church replaced Israel. But it is not so; Israel still exists as a separate entity in God's plan. Chapters nine, ten and eleven of Romans go into some detail on this point.