1 Yo tof wom yima sawohf tohmouf. Ramemrhu yufat Ananaiasr. Tuhanemthu yufatne Sapairat. 2 Wom yiha Ananaiasrhu bbinysoft womm yihato wiknamomt. Nd bbinysofthu marut yakmortn nhai marimor, “Be hopttn aposerm hne-hiruha.” Nhai. Nd marut yakmortn womm yak hamong tanyhato wom farpam hanyhato aposerm mhemor. Ananaiasr inji namohat turhu tuhanemt htimotr. To nhai kfo marimotr, “Mirahn inji anaya.” 3 Aposermpno mhtamotrm Pitar htihato kfo memorr, “Ananaias, tamohmpno Satanr fasoh yima yuhur yahutrn wom maruham yak hamong tanynmn wom farpam hnehato Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothat nd farpam mfrnhehwanr? 4 Nd bbinysoft yima tafi wikna duha rhumohat nhai wom frohroht rhurmot. Ni tunhut rhumot. Tfit yimam wiknahato marut yakrohat nhaf tunrpann hmbreront. Tamohr inji namotrn inji naro? Nhai yimanomn kfo namhi nhehkahn. Bro Nkifrar kfo namhi nhehwo.” 5 Pitar inji kfo hanymor Ananaiasr nndo dangn yukhat tmbho thumom. Be tuha gur. Kmi thofm Ananaiasrhu noh mrokfot wany hanyhato mfha tha duhatm rhumom. 6 Be nd yima Ananaiasr bi gurn, damiagt rmonthaye rim yakrirakmomrn hany fopmomr.
7 Husfirpa auakfot bi yiyettn asha tuhanemt. Rot memot ramemr yuhre yima nfriyer. 8 Rim tohmott Pitar ttiwonmort. “Nifn sawo bbinysofthu maruhame be dfik fenrpam fakmofn?” Sapairat sinyahato memot, “Uwa, to be nd hne dfik fenrpam.” 9 Pitar sinyahato kfo memort, “Bare, tamohm-pno nifn sawo memofn, ‘Bro Nkifrar afo mkfo namhi nhehwonrahnonr.’ Wahti ninhu ramemr myop tanyuk yimam bi tom bi nd kuny yifhatiktn tohwom. Ninhu tha tipt yoprahmt.” 10 Pitar inji kfo hanymor Sapairat memom nndo dangnhatn tmbho tuhefim. Be tuha gus Pitarhu wurampno suhmot. Be nd damiagt bi mtoh gari hanyukt yaknimomtn ramemr yopmo tkittn rpat fopmomf. 11 Bro Nkifrar hiket yimam yo ndwom yima fura bofurat nd yima sawohfhu noh mrokfot wanyhato fanho bugamom.
Aposerm yak marnyamo dbohnet yimam
12 Boknambok nefm aposerm namoatmm tuhan yindars htihato mfham danyrn foh tnehmoumm. Jisasr hiket yimam Solomonrhu rmonthu rhu nafifyuk tkitt rhuhato Bro Nkifrar kfo bruttnamoum. 13 Barkofpam nhai wom yima furam rhunhohato kfo bruttnanhormomm. Duka yanhoneftpno be tngrpaye kfo yindhormoumm. 14 Kto memom nndo tek bu yenyfahtn tehbubekm. Boknambok yimam Jisasrhu mrokfot hikmom.
15 Aposerm hingrnamoa nefm bi kmi kmim wanyetmn rroh dbohnet yimam yaknimoamm Pitar yauhnamoa yihotamn mkahahwetamoumm. Duka memoum, “Pitar yauhnehato rorhu yafothat yak hnkoknruhattm tamoh dbohnefm thu trohrahm.” 16 Jerusalem taunpno toh hanyuk kmiroh dbohnet yimam, yo kmi yarhm fknayet yimam yaknimoamm aposermpno hanymoumm. Hanymoatmm dbohnefm o kmi yarhm thu troh tany hany-moumm.
Aposerm kalabus tohmo yuhat
17 Bro tohak prisri rorhu yarmotem Sadyusim, rom nd aposerm hingrnamo nefm htihato yuhuwehmoum. 18 Namburhato be nd yimam yak-momm kalabus htamomm. 19 Aposerm bi kalabus kunys tohetmn yifungnano Bro Nkifrarhu mounmotr yihato tfanyakmorm. Tfanyakhato kfo memorm, 20 “Waikahkomn rmont rim tohhato tuhan yindars wakfo nuhas-twakomm ndar nfri yuhathu tohneft.” 21 Be nd aposerm inji wanyhato dbha rmont yimomn tuhan yindars kfo ptha nuhasmomm nd nfri yuhathu toh hikneft.
Bro tohak prisri rorhu yarmotem Sadyusim nhai tawisafrmom aposerm fnahnimohat. Rom memom ka tom. Ndnetmn naku nhafohmomm kaunsermi yo Isrerroh bro yimam. 22 Yi nhafoh bugamotm aposerroh yakyuk polism kalabus yimom. Yimomn be yihom tone hambromom brioh tkittn. 23 Nd polism tfit yihato mkfo memom, “Barenko, nom yifi-nomn kalabus darmb kihett yo gatyuk yimam mano mano ftohm. Nom tfanynihato rim fnahni famunom ka tome yaknirahnomm. To nhai, be brioh tkitt rim htitawonom. Nhai htirfonomm.”
24 Rmont tohukatohmoa yimaroh bro keptenri bro prism inji wanyhato duka memom, “Tone nd yimame fitoh yuhatn yimom? Nome nko finji wany-ruhanom?” 25 Wom yimarn yihato kfo memorm, “Barenko nd niko hambriwa yimam wusom bi rmontn tohhato Bro Nkifrarhu mrokfom tuhan yindarim kfo ptha nuhaswomm.”
26 Be nd bro prism inji wanyhato nd keptenri polism kfo tkrurafmotmm yihato nd aposerm fakmom. Myak-mohat nhai finji narmomm. Kmi thofm hti yakrmihato memom, “Tahiye tahiye tabotrahmnom.” Ndnatn nhai finji narmomm.
Aposerm kaunsermpno kot tohmo yuhat
27 Polism yihato aposerm yak-mommn kaunsermpno hanymomm. Kot tohhato prisroh bro tohak yimar sinyahato aposerm kfo memorm, 28 “Nikome wanymoko nom kfo rafo mrokfot kfomohat. Kfo memonomko, ‘Mirahko Jisasr kfo htaniyuk mrokfom tfit niko yaknihato Jerusalem thofm akfo nuhas htfasnomm.’ Inji kfomo-nomko. To nhai. Niko nhai wany yakiormoko. Yi pthamotko Jerusa-lemtpno brbo rhuyuk kmim bi wany bugarom. Tfit nomn kfo kangko, ‘Romn nd yimar fwitmr.’ ”
29 Pitari wom aposerm sinyahato kfo memom, “Nom nhai wom yima furaroh kfoyuk tngmn hikkfot. Tu Bro Nkifrar kfoyuk tngrpatn nom hikkfot. 30 Niko to bi yura bgre misn Jisasr tuhegirmotkomr yura bgre misn mfaknimor. Hifa nmoh nkifram yakitohmoa Nkifrarn Yafothat thu hmbremotrr tfit mfenyjwomor. 31 Bro Nkifrarn Yafothat thu hmbreyaknihato yura hefenrn hamuhhato turhu tirmifko htamorr. Htamotrr nmoh nrfa htiyakyukr tohwor. Rorn nom Isrernom dfa tikr hta tehakmornom. Nd fasoh fasoh nefroh mong trohhato yak thunefm rorn fak nuhasmornom. 32 Bro Nkifrar hingrnamo hingrneft bi tunmoh nyingaye be hti hikhato kfo nuhas hanitnomm yimam. Bro Nkifrarhu Yafothatn kak nuhas marnyewutm nom kfo mmoni hanita mrokfom. Yimam Bro Nkifrarhu mrokfom hikwam Yafothar hi hanitrm.”
Gamalier aposermpno tohmo yuhat
33 Kaunserm nd Pitar pthamo mrokfom wanyhato yima yuhum nhai marnyarmomm. Yima yuhum namburhato memom, “Aposerm awasnom.” 34 Hifa wom kaunserr tohhato wom kaunserm memorm, “Aposerm afo afnahnim.” Nd kaun-serrhu yufat Gamalier. Farisi hingrneft rorn kakitohmourt. Nkifra boririfhut to ndhtet yimamn fakitohmoumt. Rorhu nefm tu dboriohmn wom rirhu arhuyuk yimam kfo yindhormoumr. 35 Aposerm fnahnimotm Gamalierr wom kaunserm kfo memorm, “Niko, Isrerko, kangko, ‘Tamoh nefm ananomm ndur aposerenm?’ Afo duka marnyaf hanyhato btn tamoh nefm nakfot. 36 Niko Teudasrhu gnngr yakitoh hanykfot. Ror inji namor. Kmi thofm kfo brur bobrurmotrm kmi kmi nafakmomn memom wom hingrneft hingrnarahnom. Ndnetmn 400 yimam nayakhato Teudasrn nyingako tohmor. To nhai. Nd Teudasr yimam wasmotmr, nd hingrneft mfak htanimomt. 37 Yo tfit Galili thof Judasrn wom neft namor. Bro sensispno yimam yak nhafohmorn memor, ‘Nd yima wohnr-pno yihato gafman yimampno nnarahnom.’ Nd kmim nayak haso-momn Judasr mteh yifhumor bi be, nd yimam natubatumom. 38 Na nd nefm bi hti hnayetann ndnetann kfo rafiwanko aposerroh wasneft. Rom tamoh hingrnefm hingrnewum be nyingarpaye yukatohaf hanykfot. Rroh fijo hingrnewum, nhai toh bmtaruhatm. 39 Bro Nkifrar yima yuhum yahutrm nd hingrneft kasinyemt, nhai nikomn tfit buha mtohhato kfo rafokfot. Inji naneft be yuwi kangko, ‘Bro Nkifrar yak batirnome.’ ”
Gamalier bi inji kfiwure, be wom kaunserm nhai wom ptharmom. Be ror kfoyuk yuhatn hikmom. 40 Be inji nakfo nohmomn tfit aposerm nakuyak-mom. Nakuyakhato rim fnahnimom. Rim fnahnimotm be wife frtmbho botmbhomomm. Inji frtmbhonihato bro kfo rafo mrokfom hemomm. Kfo memomm, “Arihat be tfit mirahko Jisasrhu mrokfot met yindarim akfo nuhas habrinomm. Be tmifko.” Inji kfonihato memomm, “Wafnahniko.” 41 Be fnahnimom. Fnahnimohat nhai wommpno yihato rim kfo nur marimom, “O nom nd yimam ftatmnom.” Nhai. Rom to be yindhor yima yuhurpno yihato kfo memom, “Nhai mrokfom. Nom Jisasrhu mrokfom kmi thofm kfo ptha nuhaswatnom tatwomnom, nhai mrokfom.” 42 Nd Jisasrhu hingrneft nhai yafhormomt. Yiha yiha rmont yihato Bro Nkifrarhu mrokfom met yindarim kfo ptha nuhasmoumm. Met yindarim kfo nuhas marnya memoumm, “Bro Nkifrar kfo hnamoa yimar tor nd yima Jisasrn kfo hnamour yimaroh minrfa htiyakyukr.”