瀏覽 TOUR 耶穌生命中最突出的地方是什麼? Highlights of his life 預覽 PREVIEW 在他誕生之前,人們說他什麼﹖ Was his coming foretold?
宣告 CLAIMS 耶穌宣稱他是誰? What did he say?
能力 MUSCLE 耶穌行了什麼神蹟﹖ Did he prove his claims?
影響 IMPACT 耶穌的生命怎樣影響了世界 Did he change the world?
你 YOU 所有這些跟你有什麼關係? What does it mean for you?
調查INVESTIGATE 互動學習的五個部份。自己發現耶穌。 Look into it yourself